Welcome to the County of Sacramento, Department of Personnel Services. We provide high quality human resource services to attract, develop, motivate, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive environment. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, the County of Sacramento has over 11,000 dedicated employees who provide a variety of services including public safety and protection, public health, community services, municipal services and administrative support that serve a diverse and vibrant County. Learn more about living and working in Sacramento County.
What makes the County of Sacramento a great place to work?
- Opportunities to develop skills and grow within the organization
- Life and work balance for our employees
- Commitment to diversity
- Competitive pay and benefits
- Great work environment
On this site, you will find information on career and promotional opportunities, benefits, and other resources to assist you.
Contact Information
700 H Street, Suite 4667, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 874-5764
E-mail: EmployOffice@SacCounty.net
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Employment and Income Verifications for County of Sacramento employees are completed through The Work Number. The two ways to contact The Work Number are by calling
1-800-367-5690 or logging onto www.theworknumber.com. The County of Sacramento Employer Code is 18594.
Please note: The Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney’s Office DO NOT use The Work Number. To verify employment or income for employees in these two departments, please contact the following:
Sheriff –
(916) 874-1195; Fax requests to
(916) 874-8105
District Attorney - (916) 874-5610 or (916) 874-7430; Fax requests to (916) 321-2236, or email DAPersonnel@sacda.org