Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
It is the policy of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to provide equal opportunities in all areas of employment to all people, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, religion, ancestry, medical condition, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or other factors not directly related to the duties of the county jobs involved.
This Board encourages and supports the Civil Service Commission, County Executive, and Department of Personnel Services in efforts to develop and implement such personnel rules and procedures necessary to create a workforce representative of the county in which we serve. The Board commits all personnel of Sacramento County in this initiative to innovative policy development, implementation, and service delivery best practices to achieve workforce diversity. This includes increased uniform communication between county agencies and direct contact with community organizations.
As a matter of policy, achieving equal opportunity within the County government shall be given high priority by all departments of the County and shall receive prompt and full attention at all times. As such, each department head shall analyze all aspects of employment in his or her department to identify underutilization or inequalities in the county workforce. All actions taken must cover all elements of personnel policy and management practices and must be consistent and supportive of the Board's Equal Opportunity Policy.
(Revised May 2002, & Adopted by the Board of Supervisors September 2002)
Equal Employment Opportunity Office
We are committed to providing equal opportunities in all areas of employment to all county employees, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, religion, ancestry, medical condition, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or other factors not directly related to the duties of the county jobs involved. We assist County employees, departments, and agencies with:
- Discrimination/Sexual Harassment Complaints, Investigations, and Training
- Responding to state and federal Equal Employment Opportunity compliance agencies
- Provides staff assistance to the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee
Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Training
Effective June 1, 2019, all employees are required to complete two (2) hours of Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Training, every two (2) years. The training:
- Introduces Administrative Policy 601: Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation in County Employment
- Explores what harassment and discrimination are and what they are not
- Highlights impacts of discriminatory and harassing behavior on the workplace and each employee's role in preventing its occurrence
- Encourages employees to recognize what comments or behaviors may contribute to discrimination or harassment
- Helps employees become aware of what to do when experiencing harassment or discrimination
- Helps supervisors or employees understand responsibilities when someone reports harassing behavior or makes an accusation of discrimination or harassment
Email EEOOffice@saccounty.gov if you need any of this information in an alternate format.